Wow, what a year it's been! It started out strong and it's been nonstop all year so far! It's safe to say that private parties and corporate events are in full swing again, and there's clearly a demand for a Dallas magician and mentalist! It feels so great to be back to work, performing magic and mentalism across the country. Last night I had a show in Oklahoma, tonight I have one in Austin, and next week I have one in Las Vegas. I guess it's a good thing I just got new tires? I'm putting a lot of miles on my car here lately and life's pretty good now. With the holiday season fast-approaching, I thought I'd talk about how magic and mentalism is the perfect idea for corporate events! But why should you consider hiring a Dallas magician for your corporate event?

1. Unique Entertainment
Everybody has used a photobooth- they're super fun. Everybody's taken advantage of an open bar. But has everyone had the experience of a mentalist reading a thought that they'd merely thought of? Probably not! Hiring a magician or mentalist to roam around the room for a few hours gives guests a really fun experience that they may have never had before. They get to take the memory with them, and they're sure to be puzzled so much that they may have trouble sleeping after the event. After having a magician at your corporate event, house party, or work party, you'll hear screams of delight from your friends, coworkers, and family members. You'll receive compliments about your event, and you may even end up seeing me at one of their parties! I often get booked by folks who see me at a friend's house.
2. Satisfaction Guaranteed
When you book a Dallas magician, you want to make sure you know what you're getting. You want to make sure you're hiring someone who can really engage your guests and make them laugh. You can bet that you'll be satisfied by my performances. I've never had a dissatisfied client, and I've worked with hundreds. I really have the best clients. I work with some pretty awesome people, many of whom are repeat clients.
3. Someone to keep the momentum going
We've all been to parties that have fallen a little flat of our expectations. The invitation looks really cool and a great time is promised, but you sadly find yourself a little bored. When I, a Dallas magician, am present at your party, I can make absolutely certain that people aren't bored. I'll wow them and blow their minds with some amazing magic and mentalism! My most popular booking is for a strolling magician, where I mix and mingle with the crowd and get them to interact and come out of their shell. As a host, you'll be pleased to hear plenty of laughter and gasps of awe (and maybe even a scream or two).
4. A memory to take home
Just like a Photo Booth lets your take home a photo, or a dessert bar has cute little macarons for you to enjoy later; a Dallas magician will give your guests an experience that they'll want to tell their friends and family about. They might keep the card they signed that magically appeared somewhere, or even a picture that they saw become manipulated right before their eyes!
Guests always tell their family and friends about the magic they saw at a corporate or private event. How do I know, you ask? Because a lot of my corporate guests end up hiring me for a personal party after seeing me perform at their corporate event! Whether it's a 50th birthday party, a retirement party, or a wedding reception, I'm there!
5. Professionalism
When you hire this Dallas magician, you'll never have to worry about a late arrival. My policy is to arrive a little early for every event I work. I've even had to turn down many bookings because the time frames were just too close for my comfort. When I'm early, I'm happy. If I'm on time, I'm stressed out! Bottom line- being late is not an option for me.
In addition to always arriving early, you can relax knowing that I'll be well-dressed for your event. I have all types of suits for different occasions and seasons, so I'll be comfortable in any temperature or setting. My shoes are always shined and my shirts starchy and wrinkle-free!
Another note about professionalism- I'll never embarrass your company with bad language or inappropriate jokes. Although I have a great sense of humor, I don't like the idea of bringing off-color stuff to a corporate event. There's a time and place for everything!
For more on having a Dallas magician or Corporate Magician at your next event, check out a previous blog post! If your event is in December, be sure to contact me sooner rather than later to reserve your date and time slot. They go quick!