To piggyback off my last blog post, I'm going to talk about wedding magic a little more. There are some common misconceptions about wedding magicians, as well as some gray area in terms of what I actually do at weddings. This post should hopefully clear all that up!
Why should you hire a magician for an adults-only wedding reception?
Adults-only weddings are my favorite to perform for. The type of magic and mentalism effects I focus on are generally aimed at adults. That being said, I'm not the type to perform off-color tricks or tell inappropriate jokes, but my effects typically require the attention span of the average adult. Just because someone is an adult, it doesn't mean they can't enjoy seeing some amazing magic and mentalism. It's fun to see impossible things, and to wonder how in the world they're done! It brings out our inner curiosity that we try to hide as adults.
When I attend a friend or family member's wedding, I want to have a great time. I attended a second cousin's wedding that was the most boring party I've ever been to. No entertainment, no Photo Booth, no fun snacks... just dinner and dancing. As a person who wouldn't be caught dead on the dance floor, I had a pretty bad time and left early. Moral of this story? Adults need to be entertained too! Why spend a bunch of money on a party if there isn't a lot for wedding guests to do? I know anyone would be heartbroken to see their guests leave early or sit around scrolling Instagram because they're bored.
Are all magicians cheesy?
Absolutely not. For those magicians that you've seen who have planted this picture in your head... those guys were most likely hired to entertain children, therefore their verbiage and wardrobe would have been purposely geared towards their target audience. In other words, kids love that kind of performer!
I can say for myself that I am definitely not what you'd consider to be cheesy. When I'm booked to perform strolling magic at a a wedding reception, I'm always dressed well. Starched button-up shirt, custom business suit, polished shoes. I speak articulately to the adults I'm performing for. I challenge their perception of reality and what's possible. A funny piece of data that I've collected- the people with the highest education are always the ones who are the most bothered by not knowing how a trick is done. They demand to know the secret, but my lips are sealed!
I typically keep a little something in my pocket in case there is a child at a wedding. I'm not a monster, after all! Of course I'm happy to do some magic for a sweet little flower girl. But to reiterate, all magicians are not cheesy. Just do your research and know who you're hiring. Read past client reviews so you can get to know the magician you plan to hire.
When do you perform at weddings?
The most popular choice for my clients is strolling magic during cocktail hour. Right after the couple says "I Do", they run off and take photos for a good 30-45 minutes while guests either have drinks or just sit there. There typically isn't a whole lot for guests to do besides have drinks and talk... which isn't necessarily a bad thing! However, some guests may abstain from alcohol, and others may not know anyone at the wedding. There's nothing worse than seeing a ton of people scrolling through Facebook at a wedding you spent a pretty penny on- that just shows that people are bored! Not a great feeling for the host.
Anyway, when cocktail hour begins, I'll work my way through the crowd, stopping at each cocktail table, each cluster, or each seated table. I politely say hello and let the guests know that so-and-so hired me to entertain during the wedding's cocktail hour; would they like to see something? The usual answer is yes! I'll perform for them for 4 or 5 minutes and then move on to the next group. When people hear others yelling "Oh My Gosh!" and "No Way!", it creates a bit of excitement in the room and they get the idea that I'll eventually make my way to them. In our day and age of people being glued to their phones, magic at a wedding is a nice change of pace, and a great way to make guests forget about their phones!
Another time I enjoy performing is right before dinner. Typically just a few tables are released at a time to walk up to the buffet, because catering doesn't want a stampede and an awkwardly long line. For the guests who aren't immediate family, they may be sitting there for a good 30 minutes before they're called to the buffet. This is the perfect time for me to jump in and show them some magic and mentalism! It will help them forget for a moment that they're hungry, and when I'm finished with each table, I tell them to head up to the buffet. This option seems to be more popular lately because of buffets taking a little longer with medical safety precautions in place. It helps people forget about their hangriness.
Is it safe to hire a magician?
That is subjective, but I would say that hiring me in particular is safe. I have a pregnant wife at home, so I am doing everything I can to keep her (and our baby) safe! I take every precaution when performing magic for wedding guests. From diligently wearing my mask, to sanitizing my hands after contact with someone, to offering sanitizer to everyone I'm performing for. While performing magic tricks and mentalism feats for wedding guests, I'm also sure to keep a little more distance than I normally would. For example, if I ask someone to choose a card, I let them choose it before taking a step back. We can still allow our guests to have fun while observing safety standards and being smart about it.
Your wedding day is usually the biggest party you'll ever throw, so why not ensure that your guests have a wonderful time for the entire duration? If you'd like to learn more about how I, Wedding Magician Anthony Dempsey can enhance your wedding guests' experience, give me a ring or fill out the contact form on my website! I'd love to be a part of the most magical day of your life!